
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Patriot Pen

Pride refers to a satisfied sense of attachment toward a group of people and is a product of praise, reflection or feeling of belonging. I am proud of my country because America is still the land of opportunity. If you come from a poor background, if you work hard you can still get an education and a job. Work ethic and willingness to sacrifice is the backbone of our strength as a country. Americans have fought in many wars and fought through many hardships in the short time the United States has been around. America rose from a mysterious land that was fought over, to become one of the world’s most powerful countries in a little over 200 years. I am immensely proud of my country, because it has proved itself to me, and to all.

The pledge of allegiance isn’t just something we say every first hour, it pledges our loyalty to the American flag, the symbol of freedom in our country. We may overlook it sometimes, but we are lucky to have the right to speak our mind, or write our opinion, or practice whatever religion we believe in. America is one of the few countries who give people the rights they deserve.

The government of America takes a lot of heat from the world, but America is a democracy created by the people, for the people, of the people. Democracy works, unlike communism, or dictatorship, Americans can vote for their leaders. If someone isn’t doing their job, America can kick them out. America is ruled by no one except itself.

In a dictatorship, one person controls the government and the military and he is feared. In America, the military is run by skilled, trained officers, who are appointed and work together to determine best practices. Our military is like the MIM-104 Patriot Missile. It is designed not to start wars, but to help eliminate them. The Patriot Missile was developed to use radar to track down attacking missiles, and destroy them. It is meant to discourage other countries from attacking us.

America is my country, and no matter where I go, it always will be. I will do my part to keep America great by contributing with my skills and work ethic.

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